Friday, September 19, 2008

“And this year’s 2008 Homecoming Queen is… Mary Burton!” A surprise to many, even herself, Mary gracefully walked up to the podium and accepted her tiara and sash. The once tom boy, transformed into a lovely dancer, Homecoming Queen and sweetest friend that anyone could ask for.

Mary Burton was not the most popular girl in school but she was probably the nicest. The people at her school knew that and loved that about her. Mary aimed to please and made the effort to be completely genuine and kind to everyone.

So, when she won the title of Homecoming Queen at Hidden Valley High School, it did not come as a surprise to those who knew her well. She admits she felt somewhat bad for the girl she ran against because she was the epitome of the popular high school girl and all of her friends were cheering her on.

Mary Burton’s love for dancing always shines through everything else. People view her as timid, shy, and introverted but the truth is she laughs, jokes, smiles and speaks her mind. She admits it does take her some time to warm up to people but once she becomes comfortable, she lets loose.

Her personality breaks through the moment she hits the dance floor. She has been dancing since she was three years old. She went on a “So You Think You Can Dance” tour with her sister-in-law, Elisabeth Burton, over the summer and loved every moment of it. Her mentors are her dance teachers since she has been so immersed in dance.

Her mentor and most beloved dance teacher Mrs. Watkins, was practically her second mother and one of the biggest influences in her life. Mrs. Watkins always kept Mary entertained and inspired. Recently, Mrs. Watkins was diagnosed with breast cancer and it amazes Mary everyday how she continues to dance and teach and take pleasure in life with her situation.

Another prominent influence in her life is her mother, Julia. Her mother endured so much throughout her life and was forced to take care of Mary and her older brother Phillip all by herself. Mary respects and understands the hard work her mother underwent to raise two children with very minuscule help from their father.

Julia Burton also inspired Mary to pursue a career in the medical field. She dreams of becoming either a physician’s assistant or an optometrist. When she was younger she would join her mother at the hospital. Mary wandered the halls and watched the surgeries, the doctors at work, patients being rushed to the ER and knew it was her calling.

Mary truly values her family over everything. She knows that they will always be there for her no matter what is thrown her way. She enjoys her friends but also is aware of the fact that not everyone is your friend. So, she believes in having a few close friends that are always dependable and that care about her.

Mary’s friends and family pride her for never prejudging people and treating people insanely well, but warn her that she can be too kind and people might take advantage of that. She learned that in high school people tend be deceiving and untrustworthy, so she applies that to her everyday life.

One of Mary’s strengths is the ability to be honest. She says “I hate lying so I don’t and I think a lot of people lie. Not that I don’t trust people. I just don’t like to lie.“ Not only is Mary honest with others but more importantly she stays true to herself.

She believes in a set code of ethics and morals that no one can shake from her. She is independent and decides for herself what she wants to do and refuses to give into peer pressure. Her sister-in-law says “She doesn't have the view of "that is what ever one does today" she goes by her own thoughts and beliefs.” These admirable traits sufficiently prepared her for college.

Mary’s acceptance to Virginia Tech has been her greatest accomplishment thus far. Her family and friends were overjoyed with her acceptance into Virginia Tech, not only is it a fabulous school but it is also so close to her home.

Mary was born and raised in Roanoke, Virginia, a short drive of only forty-five minutes. Part of Mary’s decision involved the fact that it was such a short distance from Virginia Tech. She said that “Subconsciously I liked the fact that the Tech was so close to home because I am very close with my family.”

She is also an extreme Hokie football fan so there was no question after she got that letter in the mail that she would be attending Tech in the fall. She has already joined the pre-optometry club too. Success.

The only aspect that Mary truly misses from home would have to be dance. The one activity she devoted her whole life to is no longer accessible to her. She loved dance and practiced and performed regularly and at Virginia Tech there are not as many opportunities to dance; which is the one among the many of her favorite things.

Mary also enjoys watching movies, especially zombie movies. She seriously finds pleasure in watching people. She says “It’s one of my favorite things to do, just watch people, especially at fairs. Carnies are funny.” She also loves to eat everything but really loves steak and chocolate. Her favorite past time would have to be taking a nap, not only does it calm her down but it is almost a hobby.

Mary Burton can be described in many words but lovely, good-hearted and reliable pretty much sums it up. She always tries to be pleasant and caring towards everyone. Many people view her as shy but it’s only because they do not know the real Mary. She can be easily found out on the dance floor. Her talent is immense and wonderful and she has “…an obvious love for musical expression of all types…”.

--by Liesel Benjamin

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